Liberty work - the power to transform

Humans can forget how to listen to horses. Once in the saddle we are continually asking questions, whilst our horses are doing their best to respond. Repetition of pressure and expectations can put horses on auto pilot (even shut down), so they can really benefit from down time to relax and play with their rider and friend.

Liberty provides time for mutual listening and play. Time for us to reflect and observe. Time to paint our picture of colour as communication becomes art. The art of listening. The art of LOVE.

Many years ago I imported my first Spanish stallion, Delfin, into the UK. He was extremely traumatised from his experiences as a bullfighting stallion. I spent months just being with him, sitting in the field whilst he grazed or just lounging around outside his stable - sometimes just passing time peeling our home grown vegetables!!

He couldn’t settle in his own skin and I so wanted him to know I was there and begin to feel secure with me. Gradually I could leave him in the field without me. He would watch my every move and walk up and down mirroring my path whilst I walked up and down with the wheelbarrow. He was really tuning in and showing me the importance of our relationship from the ground.

Then we moved to Claytown Farm where we organised the building of an indoor school, but until it was built Delfin and I learnt more about ‘power within play’. He would be loose in a small building with supporting pillars positioned around. It was not suitable for riding but we played in between the pillars, ‘follow you - follow me’.

This is taken from an article I wrote for Luso News last year, you can download a PDF of the full article by clicking the button below.


Training from the ground – a more natural approach